10 commandements. Du Burger Selon Michael Symon.
Burger Commandement n°1: Tu obtiendras que ton boucher te hache la viande
(le bon ratio est 80% de viande et 20% de gras)
Burger Commandement n ° 2: Tu te rappelleras
que la taille importe
"Le hamburger parfait est de 5 à 6 onces (env. 150g).
J'aime un peu plus épais, hamburger de style pub (plus épais), par opposition à
un hamburger de style restaurant (plat) parce que je veux être en mesure de
choisir la température de cuisson de mon steak."
Burger Commandement n ° 3: Tu ne vas pas compresser
le Steak
«Beaucoup de gens font l'erreur de compacter le steak
mais vous voulez juste que la viande se tienne."
Burger Commandement n ° 4: Tu n’assaisonneras
que l’extérieur du steak.
"Rester simple: utiliser uniquement du sel et le
poivre et ne pas assaisonner l'intérieur du steak. Vous allez avoir besoin de
plus de sel que vous pensez instinctivement Il n'y a rien de mal avec le salaison de la viande juste avant de le mettre sur le grill, mais ce qui fait un
hamburger juteux est lorsque vous assaisonnez avant (de 2 à 12 heures avant la
Burger Commandement n ° 5: Tu feras une
empreinte du pouce au milieu du steak
"Faire une empreinte du pouce au milieu empêche le
steak de rétrécir. Ceci est la méthode de mon grand-père."
Burger Commandement n ° 6: Tu n’appuieras
jamais sur le steak avec ta spatule
"Vous allez faire couler tous le jus que vous voulez
les garder à l'intérieur."
Burger Commandement n ° 7: Tu ne retourneras
qu’une seule fois
«Je me sers de mon sixième sens pour savoir quand il est
temps de retourner le steak, mais il n'y a rien de mal à utiliser un
thermomètre à viande. Cuissez le steak de la façon dont vous souhaitez. Si vous
êtes sur un feu moyen-élevé, pour un steak saignant, compter environ trois
à cinq minutes. Si vous faites un steak bleu, il a besoin de deux minutes
de chaque côté. L'une des plus grandes erreurs que les cuisiniers et les jeunes
chefs font, est de déplacer le steak dans la poêle. La caramélisation est une partie
très importante de la saveur. Si je reçois un hamburger qui n'a pas cette bonne
caramélisation, je ne suis pas heureux. "
Burger Commandement n ° 8: Tu seras
toujours sur que ton fromage soit fondu.
"Il n'y a rien de pire que d'obtenir le fromage
froid qui se trouve juste là sur le dessus de votre hamburger. Le fromage est le 'co-hôte' du steak. Mettre le fromage sur le dessus du steak lorsqu'il est sur le
gril, le vaporiser avec jus de cuisson, puis le couvrir avec un couvercle de
casserole jusqu'à ce que la vapeur fait fondre le fromage. J'aime un hamburger
avec du bleu en particulier. "
Burger Commandement n ° 9: Tu beurreras ton
pain a Burger
. «Pour moi, le pain est tout aussi important que le
hamburger et le fromage Le rapport entre pain et le steak doit être juste et le
pain doit être moelleux. - J'aime un petit pain type Brioche, English muffins ,
« potatoes roll »ou challah. Placez-le sur la grille (face beurre
contre le grill). "
Burger Commandement n ° 10: Tu te rappelleras que les garnitures ne
vont pas toujours sur le dessus
"la tomate va toujours au-dessus du hamburger et la laitue a besoin d'être toujours au-dessous de sorte qu'elle puisse absorber
un peu de jus de cuisson."
The 10 Commandments.
Of Burgers. According To Michael Symon.
Michael Symon's Burger Commandments
Burger Commandment #1:
Thou Will Get Your Butcher to Grind Your Meat
"I like a 1:1:1 ratio of short rib, sirloin, and brisket that's coarsely ground because I think it tastes more like a steak. The finer the grind, the more you're trying to hide the meat."
"I like a 1:1:1 ratio of short rib, sirloin, and brisket that's coarsely ground because I think it tastes more like a steak. The finer the grind, the more you're trying to hide the meat."
Burger Commandment #2:
Thou Will Remember That Size Does Matter
"The perfect burger is 5 to 6 ounces. I like a little thicker, pub-style burger as opposed to a diner-style burger because I like to be able to order my burger by temperature."
"The perfect burger is 5 to 6 ounces. I like a little thicker, pub-style burger as opposed to a diner-style burger because I like to be able to order my burger by temperature."
Burger Commandment #3:
Thou Will Not Pack the Burger Tightly
"A lot of people make the mistake of packing the burger really tightly but you want to form it until it just holds together."
"A lot of people make the mistake of packing the burger really tightly but you want to form it until it just holds together."
Burger Commandment #4:
Thou Will Season the Outside of the Burger Only
"Keep it simple: use only salt and pepper and don't season the inside of the burger. You're going to need more salt than you instinctively think. There's nothing wrong with salting the meat right before putting it on the grill, but what makes a burger extra juicy is when you season it ahead of time, giving it a minimum of two hours or a maximum of 12 hours."
"Keep it simple: use only salt and pepper and don't season the inside of the burger. You're going to need more salt than you instinctively think. There's nothing wrong with salting the meat right before putting it on the grill, but what makes a burger extra juicy is when you season it ahead of time, giving it a minimum of two hours or a maximum of 12 hours."
Burger Commandment #5:
Thou Will Do "The Thumb Press"
"Make an indentation in the middle of your burger with your thumb to keep your burger from shrinking up. This is my grandpa's method that I moved into my arsenal."
"Make an indentation in the middle of your burger with your thumb to keep your burger from shrinking up. This is my grandpa's method that I moved into my arsenal."
Burger Commandment #6:
Thou Will Never EVER Press Down On The Patty with Your Spatula
"You'll make all the juices run out and you want to keep them in there."
"You'll make all the juices run out and you want to keep them in there."
Burger Commandment #7:
Thou Will Flip Only Once
"I use my Spidey senses to know when it's time to flip the burger, but there's nothing wrong with using a meat thermometer. Order your burger the way that you'd order a steak. If you're over a medium-high heat and have control over your flames, for a medium-rare burger, it's time to flip in about three to five minutes. If you're making a rare burger, it needs two minutes per side. One of the biggest mistakes that cooks and young chefs make is moving their protein too much. The char is a really important part of the flavor. If I get a burger that doesn't have that great caramelization, I'm not happy."
"I use my Spidey senses to know when it's time to flip the burger, but there's nothing wrong with using a meat thermometer. Order your burger the way that you'd order a steak. If you're over a medium-high heat and have control over your flames, for a medium-rare burger, it's time to flip in about three to five minutes. If you're making a rare burger, it needs two minutes per side. One of the biggest mistakes that cooks and young chefs make is moving their protein too much. The char is a really important part of the flavor. If I get a burger that doesn't have that great caramelization, I'm not happy."
Burger Commandment #8:
Thou Will Always Make Sure Your Cheese Is 100 Percent Melted
"There's nothing worse than getting cold cheese that just sits there on top of your burger. The cheese is the burger's co-host. Put the cheese on top of the burger while it's on the grill, spray it with meat drippings if you have some, then cover it with a pot lid until the steam melts the cheese. I love a burger topped with Danish blue cheese, especially."
"There's nothing worse than getting cold cheese that just sits there on top of your burger. The cheese is the burger's co-host. Put the cheese on top of the burger while it's on the grill, spray it with meat drippings if you have some, then cover it with a pot lid until the steam melts the cheese. I love a burger topped with Danish blue cheese, especially."
Burger Commandment #9:
Thou Will Butter Your Buns
"To me the bun is every bit as important as the burger and the cheese. The ratio between bun and burger needs to be just right and the bun needs to be soft--I don't like a hard bun. Use a potato, challah or brioche roll, butter it, then place it on the grill."
"To me the bun is every bit as important as the burger and the cheese. The ratio between bun and burger needs to be just right and the bun needs to be soft--I don't like a hard bun. Use a potato, challah or brioche roll, butter it, then place it on the grill."
Burger Commandment #10:
Thou Will Remember That Toppings Don't Always Go On Top
"Tomato always goes on top of the burger and lettuce needs to always be underneath so it can catch some of the juices from going through the bun."
"Tomato always goes on top of the burger and lettuce needs to always be underneath so it can catch some of the juices from going through the bun."
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